Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Cup is Poured Out: the Flood of the Days of Noah

"....with the Trumpet Blast the Last Trump..."

In the Holy Spirit are they instructed as on the Path of the Just that they who follow the Lamb in his Name. It is written; to wit;
"every scribe who is instructed in the kingdom of heaven is likened unto a householder; bringing forth from his treasure things both old and new..."
But the Treasure is the Bible; and of things old and new means things from the Old and New Testament; and thus the heart which cherishes and understnds the Word will be that one which can enlighten others with the Truth; thus it is the scribe who writes what he hears: he is the one with "an ear to hear". This is he the one "who hath"; and thus is "given" the Key of David; the Divine principle; seen in the Cross of Christ as that principle for which he died; and thus truly lived: as lives still; as now the Throne of Mercy is seen as the Throne of God and the Lamb; for even in His Wrath is He Merciful; and well I know it.
At the last book in the Bible is a passage which has puzzled people for centuries. At Rev 10:11 it is said to John after he ingests a little book that is open in the hand of the Celestial Gabriel that he will have to come back to earth and "prophesy again". What is the little book he eats from the hand of the angel? John revealed to me that what he ate was a roll containing the writings known to us as "The Book of Enoch" mentioned by Jude and referred to by Lord Jesus and St. Paul.
This itself should give the reader an idea of what John's return actually portends: the coming of the Son of Man; of whom John is his Prophet; the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven; the Messenger of Jehovah of Hosts. Yet the Manchild comes forth as the least in the Kingdom: but from the "least to the Greatest" as at Ninevah: the world is given a last chance to Repent.But now let us examine the revealing of the Revelation itself. To show the difference between this seeming to be another earthly "interpretation" and the actual divine truth of it as coming in the Holy Spirit from John the Beloved Apostle of Love let us examine what the "difference" really is. There is only one possible way to interpret the Bible: and that is with the Holy Spirit.
Writer's do not like to speak of this; because it makes all other modes of interpretation academic; because then one does not talk of what might be; one speaks of what is.But let me not just speak of the Bible; let me now reveal what was hidden until John revealed it to me to publish in my book; "The Revelation of Salvation; the Regeneration of John the Divine". No man pute the light under a bushel basket unless he's got something he wants to hide; like Sun Myung Moon denying he is John the Baptist; just as John the Baptist once denied he was Elijah the Prophet. Same man; and same mistake.Let us go further; because at this moment mankind is dying for the absolute truth of something that is verifiable and yet significant in the context of the modern world in a religious way; so let me first tell the reader who the source of this interpretation comes from; for we now stand at what is called "the Last Days"; and anyone who has even a clue from God of what is to befall mankind must needs show not just that he hears: but from where. Thus John returns as he who is "the greatest in the kingdom of heaven". It was he who humbled himself as that Holy Child Lord Jesus chose to represent his Name as the Lord of the Second Advent.
Let us investigate his words at greater length.So be it.People may or may not believe in angels; and that is fine with me; and angels are not really concerned with what people think; they have other concerns. Thus what I will do in this article is assert what I heard from the Lord through his servant John: and then the reader can go and see if what I tell them seems to be true. At that point the reader may want to find out more about how I arrived at the information: and that it more important; because Lord Jesus said it this way:"Let him who hath an ear: let him hear".In chapter 13 of the Revelation of St. John the Divine two strange beasts are described; one comes out of the sea; the other one comes up out of the earth.
We are going to tell the reader exactly what these two beasts are; in fact, we are even going to explain who our friend the great red dragon is also; just to make things a little easier: and consider this a gift from Ourselves from John; because it is his return which is the proof of the coming of the Son of Man. This involves the 4 beasts that we once saw in Daniel; which we see once again in the Revelation of John the Divine. To explain this would involve clear proof of the power of the Holy Spirit.
The first beast which rises from the sea has 7 heads and ten horns; and has the body of a Leopard; the feet of a Bear; and the Mouth of a Lion. John told me that this beast is the 3-in-one beast we call "the Axis"; the Leopard which Daniel saw go into the Sea of time represented Greece; in this figure Greece is represented by Germany; the Bear which Daniel saw go into the Sea of time represented Medo-Persia; in this figure Medo-Persia is represented by Italy; and the Lion Daniel saw go into the Sea of time represented Babylon; in the figure of the Axis Babylon is represented by Japan.What this means is that the beast which has 7 heads and 10 horns just like the great red dragon in chapter 12 which precedes chapter 13 is a "three-in-one" creature representing the 3 nations we presently know as Germany, Italy and Japan; who as "one power" were called "the Axis". Let us examine this further.
Let us start with Germany in the position of Greece as the body of the Leopard. This makes perfect sense; because Germany had the fastest mechanized assault force ever seen in it's rapid tactics, and especially in it's armored formations closely resembles Greece's phalanxes.Next we have Italy in the position of Medo-Persia as the feet of the Bear. This also makes perfect sense as the brutality of Persia resembles that of Italy in Ethiopia. For those who do not know how brutal the "brown shirts" of Il Duce were; it is perhaps best they do not know.Lastly we have Japan in the position of Babylon as having the mouth of the Lion. Japan and it's claim of the divinity of it's Emperor have much to do with Babylon's hubris in trying to make a tower which rose to heaven; the Emperor's claim to be "the son of heaven" was also totally luciferic to God in it's arrogance and satanic pride.The three creatures Daniel thus saw go into the sea of time "for a time and a season" were obviously those which John later saw come out of the sea of time in their modern form: in the image of the Dragon: which represents Egypt; for each of these beasts represents a kingdom; and the Kingdom which the dragon represents is Egypt; just as the Tail of the Dragon represents Sodom: but enough of that: what of the second beast which rises out of the earth?The second beast is described as having two horns of a lamb; but speaks as a dragon. Let us first look at the earth this creature rises from: the earth here represents materialism; dialectical materialism to be exact; the rational ground that Hegel set up in his dialectic which consisted of "thesis; antithesis: synthesis".
But if you take the "thesis" as "good"; and then add the "antithesis" as "evil"; then the "synthesis" you are going to get is "good and evil". If the "tree of the knowledge of good and evil" springs to mind there is a good reason for it: you are looking at it's principle in modern terms. To defeat this we have to add what it lacks: hypothesis; thesis; antithesis; synthesis on the 4 position foundation of "end" at the hypothesis; "cause" at the antithesis; "effect" at the "thesis" and then "result" at the synthesis; and remember this: the "end" is the "cause of the cause" just as the "result" is the "effect of the effect".
This creature is said to have two !horns like a "lamb". In the beginning at the First Church in Jerusalem everyone took their goods and sold them and put the money at the feet of the Apostles: this first principle was pure communism. Then they divided the money into an order of priorities: first came the old and the sick; then came the orphans and widows; next came the poor: and then the Apostles and their families came last: this second principle was pure socialism. This is what Karl Marx; the False Prophet stole from the First Church; trying to take the kingdom of heaven by force; making a kingdom of God without God; thus the lamb speaketh "like a dragon": atheism.The second beast is Marxism; the image of Karl Marx's philosophy. With the fascist totalitarianism of Italy; the socialist totalitarianism of Germany and the imperialist totalitarianism of Japan we have a pretty good idea of what the "treaty" between the Axis and Russia really was: the alliance between these two beasts or "kingdoms" of the Dragon; for the Axis represents the "anti-Israel" with it's ten horns; and the second beast represents the "anti-Judah" with it's two horns.
The Axis and the False prophet thus stood in the position of the Global Canaan and the Global Balaam in stopping the Allies from making one democratic world under God: which brings us to the third beast; for the Axis looks like the Dragon just as Canaan looked like Ham; for Ham became Egypt; and his son Canaan became the 7 nations in their 10 tribe confederation which opposed Israel when it came into the promised land on the National Level: thus these two beast represented the same forces in their Global forms that Canaan's armies and Balaam the prophet did on the Restoration intoCanaan on the National Level.
And the third beast? That would be the scarlet beast seen in chapter 17 of the Revelation of St. John the Divine: Red China; now carrying the great whore of the Market: incorporating the capitalist principle of the democratic nations into it's neo-Stalinist form of government: thus the "free market" is what is driving both capitalism and communism to combine: thus the scarlet beast is shown "carrying" the "whore" of a new form of Marxism: and this is the worst case scenario of having the West now use Red China as it's "banker"; for the scarlet beast is the "son of perdition"; the global Judas. And the Antichrist? Take another look at our old friend: Osama bin Laden; a devil with the Devil in him; the Cosmic Judas himself. But he is the "fatted calf"; he is doomed; for all who live by the Sword shall perish with it; the Zulfiqar; which we call in the West by another name: EXCALIBUR.
This is then from my Father through his servant John. Bless all who read this in the Name of the Most High; in Love; the Mighty God; and from His servant John: who told us long ago "God is Love". And it is in the Name of this God who I call the Holy One of Israel that I tell the reader these things as the truth; not as I said of myself: but what I heard from John; the Beloved Apostle of Love. Amen

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